XXXI. Hungarian Great Plain Animal Husbandry

XXXI. Hungarian Great Plain Animal Husbandry and Agricultural Days Exhibition and Fair

Four lipizzaner horses represented State Stud Farm in Hódmezővásárhhely.

Alföldi Állattenyésztési és Mezőgazdasági Napok - Four lipizzaner horses represented State Stud Farm in Hódmezővásárhhely, at one of the country’s biggest agricultural and animal breeding dair. Of the stallions, Conversano XXVIII-37 and of the mares, Favory XXX-23, became breed winners. Our last mare won the Animal Breeding Grand Prix, where the judges judged it to be the best among all the mares exhibited. It was 10 years ago that a horse of the Lipizzan breed won this prestigious award at one of the country's most prestigious livestock exhibitions.